Well, it's officially over...not just the graduation festivities, but my sister's childhood. Unfortunately, as probably often happens with a sibling who is 18 years younger, I missed a huge part of it. Her firsts of everything took place as I, myself, was experiencing what my sister just finished enjoying...the last Homecoming, last exam, last times with high school friends. Being away at college got in the way of my opportunities to go to soccer & basketball games, school concerts/programs, and getting to know the little friends she was making. I vividly remember the tears streaming down my face as my heart broke, leaving her standing in the driveway waving, as I made yet another trip back to college. But as they say, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." The time that I did get to spend with her was even sweeter and more cherished because I was away so much.

And now after a weekend of celebrating her grand accomplishments, I've had a chance to ponder how proud I am of the beautiful woman she is becoming. She can't possibly comprehend how much I love her and how much she means to me. May she stay Forever Young, not in the literal sense, but that she would always find joy in the little things of life. I pray that she would learn to be "content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want" (Phil. 4:12). So many verses come to mind...Romans 12:9-16...Romans 12:2...1 Sam. 16:7...too many to list here.
I gotta be honest, I've really struggled with what I wanted to include in this post because there are so many ways I could have gone with it. Reminisce about memories? Give advice? So many choices...I'm so overwhelmed with emotion that I can't really find the words for all I want to say, so unfortunately, I have to lean on my internet resources. I like the way www.gospel.com explained Ecc. 3:1-8, when it says "...this passage teaches that there's a time and place for everything. On the one hand, it's a sobering reminder that nothing lasts forever; but it's also encouraging to know that difficult times will eventually but inevitably be followed by times of peace. God is in control of it all."

Remember that Jac. Whatever the future holds, God is in control of it all. Becoming a "grown up" is not easy but you are soooo ready for this (Phil. 4:13). Trust Him and His perfect plan. Just keep smiling that beautiful smile and let the joy of the Lord be your strength. Pray hard. Use the gifts God's given you. Serve others. Be thankful for the life He's blessed you with. Congratualtions, Jacci. Go out there and knock 'em dead! Not literally, though, cause you're gonna be a nurse and all. Love ya, Sis!
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