I know the last post was a doozy but His mercies are new every morning and so here we are...
I mentioned in a previous post about how I crave order. And I do. Really, I do. But unfortunately, my nature is not to be super orderly. I'm more of a random, scattered, "fly-by-the-seat-of-the-pants" kinda girl. Let's face it. No one who is truly orderly would have frozen pumpkins on their front porch:) Praise the Lord that those pumpkins never got carved like they were supposed to or else we would have had some really distorted looking jack 'o lanterns stuck to our porch in all that lovely white snow.
Anyway, like I said, I CRAVE order. I didn't say I'm GOOD at order. No, I just walk on by those frozen pumpkins with a baby on one hip and a hand full of groceries or books (or whatever the children just HAD to take with us in the van) and I make a note to self, "It's the end of January. I probably ought to do something about those pumpkins." Then I go inside and do whatever it is that this mother of five has to do at that very moment... which would be peeling coats and hats and boots and gloves off of the children and then trying to make sure that none of those said items get left on the floor:) Pumpkins, what pumpkins?
Okay, so why do I post this? Well, I guess because life goes on. And also, I suppose, so you understand a little more about me. I have to say, I was feeling kinda blah for a few weeks. Hormones are a mysterious thing, don't you think? But God is good and the past two weeks I have been blessed with LOTS of fun, happy moments. Many of which involved wonderful friends that I don't often get to spend much time enjoying. Life can get so busy but when it comes to those hard times, you focus on all the things you hold most dear.
So yes, we had a bit of a valley to walk through to begin our new year but on the other side of it awaited something for which I am so grateful...joy and a renewed sense of God's faithfulness. "All I have needed His hand has provided..." Family, friends and fun. It was a little cloudy in my world for a few weeks, but Praise God cause "Here Comes The Sun" :)
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
1 day ago
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