Anyway, this was the second round of beans...even larger than the first!

But each time I've had helpers and as my husband likes to say, "Many hands make light work."
We had a short break from beans this weekend. Our focus over this long, holiday weekend was "clearing out the clutter". And I can't help but think how blessed we are to have an OVERABUNDANCE of things, so much so, that we can load up boxes and bags from closets to donate to our local thrift store. Clothes, toys, kitchenware...SO much STUFF! And to think that there are so many with so little. Children waiting for sponsors through Compassion International that don't have the bare necessities. How thankful am I today? Bursting with gratitude...and praying for those in need.
Abundantly blessed, not only with stuff, but with little moments of grace each day...counting to 1000 gifts:
#81 The lovely (and funny) memory of a carmel macchiato mix-up during coffee with two dear friends
#82 A stolen hug in the hallway
#83 Big ol' breakfast on a calm Sunday morning
#84 The comfort and support of a "church family"
#85 The innate love of music with which my children have been blessed
#86 A chorus of young people singing their hearts out for the Lord and leading us in worship
#87 The different ways people are willing to serve at church
#88 My son breathing without distress
#89 Running into a friend and her family while waiting at the pediatrician's office-it made the trip somewhat enjoyable:)
#90 Squeezing in an afternoon nap
#91 Moments that teach me to be more selfless
#92 Moments that teach me to be more selfless (yes, this deserves repeating)
#93 Unexpected pay increases
#94 Seeing joy about sharing exciting news
#95 A found wallet of important IDs
#96 Seeing relief/joy on my husband's face
#97 Dad teaching son how to slide into base out in our front yard-in the mud on a rainy evening when "real" practice was cancelled
#98 The quiet and stillness of 11:28pm
#99 Serving my family in ways they won't ever know
#100 Sweet morning goodbyes before Hope and Hank get on the bus for school
May your eyes be open to see all of God's blessings surrounding you today.
And may you be content to "Live simply so that others may simply live."
Hello sweet friend-how your counting to 1000 gifts has helped me just now. I wish there was a phone line from my heart to yours that I could dial anytime of the busy day to express my care and appreciation for you, or to laugh about things we'll think are the pipe-dream of beginning a "running" regime, or my rubber-banded-together glasses. If I may add a blessing... #101, perhaps? The first day of school, Winnie and I not sure where to line up...dear Hope catches our eye and leads us to the right spot. She was so calm and confident in her instructions it was if she had been waiting for us, waiting to help us. A real blessing, you all are....xoxo