Thursday, April 19, 2012

More wisdom from a Dove:)

I've really been working hard to do just this lately, so I had to smile when I read this little silver wrapper...

It's not always easy to accomplish this in our humble home of seven, especially when there is so much to keep tidy and organized.  The project I've been working hard to tackle the past few weeks is the dreaded playroom.  I've asked the children for months (I'm totally not joking--months) to help me get the room in order because you couldn't even walk in the place.  But I realized that I can't expect my kiddos to be up to the challenge when I, myself, hyperventilated every time I looked into the room.  Well, I finally mustered up the motivation to divide and conquer.

Now you see it...
Now you don't...
What's crazy is that the first photo was actually after I had already done some work cleaning and sorting in there!!! Unbelievable, yes, but it was worse than that when I started:(

How did we do it?  Well, with the help of my very generous children, we gave a lot of it away.  Stuff they weren't using anymore, stuff they weren't taking proper care of because it wasn't something that they cared much about, and lots of broken or junky odds and ends (i.e. McDonalds toys) made their way into the trash.

That my friends is our latest story of creating a happy place...but don't worry, I'm sure it won't stay this neat for long:)  I have five kids, remember?

1 comment:

  1. Your playroom looks so inviting...can I come play? Love that I can see at least 3 guitars...they are a hit at my house as well. I may need to steal the idea of hanging them!
