Anyhoo, we are loving a holiday weekend full of lots of quality family time this weekend. Just enjoying being together:)
Is it possible to cram celebrating a lifetime of things for which to give thanks into a short few days? Not. A. Chance.
So I continue counting...
#146. Being able to continue piano lessons with a teacher that we love

#147. Memories of Tom
#148. A dear friend doing devotions with the children at the picnic table
#149. Turning our sadness into a celebration of memories
#150. Pudding pops on the front porch
#151. A dragonfly playing chase with a big fuzzy bumblebee
#152. A good first hit and safe at base
#153. Chocolate smudges on faces
#154. Little green thumbs in training
#155. A college baseball game with the family (including fireworks!)
#156. Silas cheering at his big brother's baseball scrimmage
#157. Watching a 3 yr. old boogie:)
#158. Beautiful weather for a farm field trip
#159. Lots of hugs from my oldest son
#160 Meeting new people--especially moms of the children's school friends
Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. -Psalm 100:3-5
Thanks for your comment at The Purposeful Mom! Thanks also for reminding me of the Jesse tree...I saw one someone had made on a blog a couple of years ago but can't find it now. Do you have a picture of yours?