After just one week of our Intentional Acts of Kindness, I've learned much. God is making it clear to me, in many different ways, that I often am so focused and wrapped up in the minor details of our crazy, chaotic life, that I am not looking for ways to show kindness to others. I'm letting my aggravation about an untidy house or unfinished "to do" list keep me from being purposeful about helping and sharing. I'm not allowing myself to be perceptive about how we can bless others or how we can best lend a helping hand, because I'm always caught up--in trying to catch up. Having a servant's heart shouldn't be something for which we have to make time. I pray that as we continue the rest of our 30 days that being more intentional about acts of kindness will become ingrained in us and become second nature to our hearts.
I am so grateful that we decided to participate in this 30 day challenge. What a gift is has been in just these seven short days!
And my list of 1000 gifts continues...
141. My most consistent form of exercise--picking dirty socks up off the floor:)
142. Bright yellow (and red) tulips beautifully blooming in the front flower bed
143. An overabundance of coats, jackets, hats, gloves, scarves, and shoes that never seem to find their way to "where they belong"
144. Whole wheat oatmeal banana chocolate chip pancakes covered in sugary syrup
145. Flavored coffee creamer that makes it possible for me to actually enjoy a cup of coffee
You're so right in saying that we're sometimes so busy playing catch-up that we forget to show kindness to others. I think it's so nice that you sent letters to people, I know I appreciate getting "snail mail" in these days of email and Facebook :)