This afternoon, a group of friends joined us to pick up trash at a local park. The weather was beautiful and the kiddos really enjoyed working together with friends to clean up any litter we could find.
It was slow going at first. I am so proud of our community--it took us awhile to locate any garbage. But once we walked for a bit, and looked hard enough, we ended up having a successful afternoon of clean-up. Our best find was this broken camping chair.

We walked much of the park and ended our act of kindness with a short time at the playground.
The children seem to be really thinking about other things we can do for what's left of our 30 day challenge. I think they are learning that often times one of the biggest ways that we can be a blessing is to give the gift of our time. Whether it be taking a moment to send a note/picture to someone or spending an afternoon walking around cleaning up at the park, these seemingly small acts can make a big difference in the lives of others. And just like the pieces of litter we collected today, I hope that bits and pieces of our selfish nature are being discarded with each act that is completed. I pray that our hearts and minds are being forever changed by this "quest" of kindness.

BEAUTIFUL post! Your last couple of sentences are just poetic!! Love that you did this with friends!! Our trash collecting experience sounded a lot like yours...slow going at first, and ending at the playground ;)