Today we sent a simple thank you note (and pictures from the children) to the music teacher at our elementary school. The children can often be heard singing songs that they learned in her class about respect and making a difference in the world. We thought it would be nice to let her know that we appreciate her song choices and the fact that she is clearly teaching the children about more than music. It was our small, but heartfelt, act of kindness for today.
I am grateful for the gift of teachers that care about the character of their students...and my list to 1000 continues:
#126 The smell (and accomplishment:) of cutting up a fresh pineapple
#127 A (mostly) smooth morning send-off to school
#128 Small hands and hearts creating special pictures for loved ones
#129 Buckets full of saved "hand-me-down" clothing
#130 Polly Pocket accessories strewn all over the floor
#131 Matchbox cars strewn all over the floor
#132 Visiting with dear friends at their beautiful greenhouse
#133 New plants with bright flowers to fill my container
#134 The absolute amazingness of how many different shades of green there are splashed throughout nature
#135 A new light in our bathroom, installed by my very handy hubby
#136 My favorite funny tv show
#137 Children cleaning as a Mother's Day surprise
#138 Cool breeze blowing through our open windows
#139 Comfy pajamas
#140 Being able to find humor in the chaos
1 Chronicles 16:34
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;
His love endures forever.
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
12 hours ago
We did notes of appreciation to teachers this week too! I loved hearing my kiddos express what they appreciated about their teachers, and I imagine they did too! And I so enjoy reading your list of gratitude...especially the ones about toys strewn all over the floor and buckets of hand me down clothing...all things I really don't enjoy dealing with, yet am extremely grateful for too!!