Well, our 30 day challenge came and went and this family sure learned many lessons. The biggest one being, not a new lesson but a reminder that is often needed, that God's timing is perfect. Sometimes, I get frustrated that there are things on my "To Do" list that take (what seems like) forever to get done. But I have to remember that my plan is not always the same as God's plan.
Let me give you an example from our intentional acts of kindness challenge...
Before I had even seen a thing about the challenge on the I Can Teach My Child blog, I made a list in church one Sunday of people to which I would like to send the children's artwork. I had this list sitting on my messy counter for weeks, and kept thinking, "I've got to get that done!" It seemed like a simple task--write a little note on the artwork, pray with the children over the picture, address the envelope and stick in the mail. But for some reason, I couldn't manage to get it done.
I decided that it would be our first "intentional act of kindness", thinking that maybe it might brighten a day or give someone a little smile. I'm gonna be honest, I kinda felt like it was a really weak beginning to our 30 day challenge. My insecurities screamed that it seemed a little "not good enough". But wouldn't you know it, it was all part of God's plan.
One of the ladies on our list thanked us in church with tears in her eyes and revealed to us that she received our letter the day before she went to a doctor's appointment, where she found out she has cancer. And it was such a blessing to her to know that we had prayed for her and had taken the time to remember her. Another church member revealed to us that he received his letter the day before the anniversary of his wife's death. Our simple little letter and prayer also brought tears to his eyes.
What an amazing reminder to me.
When I sometimes think, "Why can't I get this done?"...God is answering, "It isn't the right time."
When I doubt that the gesture is big enough...God reminds me that sometimes just showing that we care and are lifting them up in prayer is exactly the right thing.
Something that I though was too small. Something that I intended to do for weeks.
God's timing. Perfect. Beautiful.
It's what turns our sometimes small, better late than never, acts of kindness into a special blessing for others.
Today I'm thanking God for His timing, for a boy healing after surgery, and for the many visitors, gifts, cards and prayers that have been a blessing and encouragement to him (and the rest of our family). We have been the recipients of many intentional acts of kindness this past week:)
And my journey of recording 1000 gifts continues...
#161 My 3 yr old "reading" to me
#162 My 4 yr old reading upside down...and reading the right words!
#163 My 6 yr old, ball-playing son finishing his 1st chapter book:)
#164 My oldest daughter "cracking up" at her dad as they tie in their race to see who gets home first
#165 A "can't stop laughing" moment with my husband--while the children sleep soundly in their beds
#166 Friends that dare to be real with each other
#167 The deliciousness purchased at a dessert auction fundraiser
#168 Employment for my husband--when in a time when so many are without work
#169 Sleep for a weary mother
#170 Healthy, growing, intelligent children who melt my heart with their hugs:)
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
12 hours ago
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